Your Perfect Day

DYB Growth Exercise

Take some time over the next few days to write down what your perfect day would be. Give yourself at least 2 hours of uninterrupted time.

Don't hold back! You may feel resistance, thinking your dreams are too outrageous or that you are undeserving of such things but you are worthy of everything!

Explore why feelings of resistance come up but don't allow them to stop you. Recognize them, thank them for their service in trying to protect you, and then push them to the side.

You deserve everything and can and should dream as big as you want.

In addition to discovering and uncovering fears and limiting thoughts in this exercise, you may also discover aspects of your life that are more important to you than you thought they were.

If you'd like to, share your perfect day on the Building to Brilliance Facebook page.

Live Your Light!

Janet's Perfect Day

Read what my perfect day is (at least for today, it's always changing a little). Just enter your first name and email below to download the pdf.