Discover Your True Brilliance
and Build
Your "Meant To Be" Business.

One that is...

- express your unique gifts, talents, and personality -
- leverage your experience and background -
- make a real impact -
In just 6-weeks you’ll have clarity and confidence, as well as, a specific plan for moving forward.
You'll be able to put all of those fears and doubts aside, knowing you’re on the right path
and have the tools to make it happen!

• Have business ideas but don't know how to begin?

• Know there's something more for you but need help discovering it?

My guess is that if you're here you definitely feel that something is missing in your work and your life?
You know that there’s something else you really ought to be doing with your life, but aren't.
Something that can truly contribute to the world and...
Allow you to live your best life.
To feel fulfilled! To contribute! And be profitable!

The "Discover Your Brilliance"
Master Course!

Discover Your "Meant To Be" Business Today.

Just think - just six weeks from right now, you'll know your own "Meant To Be" Business: one that is personally fulfilling, profitable, and makes a difference.

You'll have a specific plan for moving forward with clarity and confidence, so you can put aside your fears and doubts, knowing you're on the right path and have the tools to make it happen!

  • Discover what you're really meant to do in the world and get clarity on your unique gifts and talents.
  • Define your "Meant To Be" Business - one that will be both fulfilling, profitable, and makes a difference.
  • Learn the specific steps to move forward in your business every day, week, and month to see it flourish.
  • Weekly Tech Tips to become more efficient, focused, and productive in your business and life.
  • Weekly Coaching Calls to support, inspire, and keep you on track.
  • Private One-on-One Coaching Call with Janet at the conclusion of the course for you to gain laser clarity, focus, and next best steps for launching your business.

Discover What You're Truly Meant To Do

Here's What Your
"Discover Your Brilliance" Journey Looks Like...


Module 1: Discover Your Spark

All successful ventures, big and small, are built on solid foundations.

In this module we begin laying your foundation by getting to the core of your brilliance - your spark! Your spark is at the center of everything you do, and more importantly, why you do it.

Discovering and defining your spark at the very beginning is what will keep you engaged and in motion throughout this entire course and beyond as you move towards accomplishing your goals.

Your spark is your secret power that gets you leaping out of bed every morning excited to start the day and fuels and spreads your enthusiasm to everyone around you!

Module 2: Clarity & Momentum

Every success is an accumulation of small steps.
It’s very common to get sidetracked on the entrepreneurial road of building your dream business. So in this module, we start with a wide-angle view of your life’s wants and desires, and begin the process of narrowing it all down to a laser focus, so you can stay on track and in the fast lane. With this laser clarity, you will learn proven strategies to begin building a habit of daily significant action.


Module 3: The Clues of You

Everything you have done in your life has prepared you for this moment.

While you may not have realized it, everything in your life has prepared you PERFECTLY to create your ideal business, one that is both fulfilling for you and beneficial to others.

In this module, we begin fitting together the puzzle pieces of your life to reveal the specific industry and audience you’re most inspired to serve, guiding you towards your “Meant To Be” business.

Module 4: Your Genius Zone

Genius is as Genius does.

In this module, we unearth and uncover your unique talents and skills, some of which you may have taken for granted because you are so darn good at them!

And we’ll also look at those “challenges” that always seem to pop up and slow you down from moving forward.

Then we’ll package all that “Genius” of yours together so you can clearly and fully see your potential as an entrepreneur and understand how you are uniquely designed to serve.

Module 5: At the Intersection of Brilliance

Weave Magic Together.

The perfect business is at the intersection of what you're good at, what you love, what the world needs, and what you can profit from.

By the end of this module, you'll be moving forward with confidence and action, knowing the exact steps to take towards your “Meant To Be” business.

Module 6: Ready. Set. GO!

Rather than Talk... ACT.
Rather than Say... SHOW.
Rather than Promise... PROVE.

A object in motion, stays in motion, and in motion you will stay! In this final module, you will create an concise action plan to move your “Meant To Be” business into a profitable reality, freeing you from the naysayers and taking action only on the highest priorities for YOU.

Finally, you'll create a specific business plan and success rituals for you to stay in action once the course ends… and beyond, so you can create the life and business you've always imagined!

These Tools are all yours
and you also get...


to Boost and Support Your Success!

YES! I Am Ready to Discover My Dream Business!

Plus, My Personal Guarantee for Your Success!

Your success is so important to me that I'm giving you TWO guarantees when you invest in Discover Your Brilliance.

Guarantee #1: My “Your Success Matters” Guarantee

By the end of Discover Your Brilliance, I guarantee that you'll have a “Meant To Be” business idea that you feel confident moving forward with….
Or we'll work with you until you do, by giving you unlimited access to our weekly group coaching calls until you cross the finish line.
This “Your Success Matters” Guarantee means that we're not going to give up on you or allow you to give up on yourself… because we believe you can and will succeed!

Guarantee #2: My 30 Day, No Questions Asked, Unconditional Money Back Guarantee

I wholeheartedly believe that Discover Your Brilliance will work for you. It's the process that's helped hundreds of entrepreneurs turn their unique gifts, talents and personalities into a successful “Meant To Be” Business – and I guarantee it will work for you, too.

Anytime in the next 30 full days of working with the material in Discover Your Brilliance:
- If you don't discover your “Meant To Be” Business, what you're really meant to do in the world, or...
- If you don't develop at least 3 compelling ways to express exactly what you do with clarity and confidence, or...
- If you're dissatisfied for any reason (even the way the course is designed)

Just let us know, and we'll happily refund 100% of your financial investment into the program – no questions asked.

Just To Recap Here's Everything You Get...

When you invest in the Discover Your Brilliance Master Course today you get...
Discover Your Brilliance Master Course (Value $3497)
And By Investing Today You'll Also Receive These Bonuses:
  • Bonus #1: Six Weekly One-Hour Coaching Calls with Janet ($1800 value)
  • Bonus #2: Lifetime Access to the "Discover Your Brilliance" Portal ($3497 value)
  • Bonus #3: Private One-on-One Coaching Session with Janet ($750 value)

Total Value: $9544.00

Join for  $697!  

Early Bird Limited Offer - $200 OFF NOW

YES! I Want to Start Discovering My Dream Business NOW!


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