About Janet
Meet Janet Hutchens
I Have A Mission...
To help one million entrepreneurs leap out of bed each morning, excited and charged up to share their passions, talents, and services with the world. All too often, we end up living just below the waterline, drowning in the day-to-day tasks to keep our businesses afloat, while the real reason we started our business drifts further and further away. Let's get sailing again!
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Do you feel destined for more in your life? ........ I DID!

My Journey to Brilliance
By 2015 I had it made. After becoming a single mom of 4 small kids in 2000, I had built my small graphic design business to become a well-oiled marketing machine with gross sales well into the six figures. It’s what we dream of, right?
But here’s the thing: I wasn’t happy. I couldn’t find the motivation that I once had, and I didn’t understand why… until I had what I call my "Perfect Trifecta" moment.
No, I didn't win a horse race. The race I was running had me running straight into a brick wall. Thankfully, 3 angels sent me symbiotic and synchronistic messages all in one day helping me to realign and reconnect with my passion and brilliance again.
Sure, I had found and was successfully using my WHAT - my gift - which happened to be branding and marketing. But what I didn’t realize was missing was understanding my WHY–my passion. I always thought branding and marketing were my passion, but I was mistaken, as so many of us are.
Branding and Marketing are some of my gifts but not my passion. I’ve realized that educating others in discovering their brilliance and turned it into a fulfilling, impactful, and profitable business is my true passion.
I realized just how essential my WHY was in doing my WHAT.
My passion is now driving my business to new levels, breaking through my glass ceilings. I want to help you do the same–to bring you to new levels of worth and wealth.
Let’s connect your WHY to your WHAT. Let’s go find it, together; let's Discover, Develop and Deliver your BRILLIANCE to the world!
A Personal Message From Janet
I know why you’re here, and I want to help. Nothing brings me greater joy than leading women on a journey of self-discovery that helps to fulfill their dreams and move them to the next level.
Join me, and we’ll rediscover your WHY, and we’ll bring new life to your WHAT.